Top 6 Study Smart Snacks

In the midst of a long, hard night of studying, it is easy (and very likely) to become frustrated, tired, and irritated. After losing the ability to focus, students often start to fall asleep—and that’s where the problem begins. All of that studying can go down the drain because one did not prepare properly! Stop…

Career Paths for Natural Science Majors in South Florida and Beyond

Have you ever wondered what types of career paths you can pursue with a degree in natural sciences? Maybe this major has always interested you, but you’re not sure where it could take you. Florida National University (FNU) offers an undergraduate degree program that gives students an opportunity to tailor their education to their specific…

10 Holiday Tips for Students Away from Home

The holidays are a special season filled with food, family, friends, and fun, but what do students do when they cannot head back home for the holidays? Follow Florida National University’s (FNU) tips if you find yourself far from home this season. Begin with Coping & Realization First of all, students should realize that they…

The 9 Most Unexpected Scholarships Available

The 9 Most Unexpected Scholarships Available One thing all students need to realize is that there are scholarships out there—and there are a lot of them! In a less-than-thriving economy, many students cannot afford to forgo applying to scholarship opportunities. Whether discovered through Florida National University or through an unaffiliated organization, each scholarship makes a…

Film Crew at FNU

If you notice a lot of unusual activity on the third floor of the Hialeah Campus today, you may have witnessed film making in action. The visiting film crew is working in conjunction with Hialeah Hospital to promote mental health awareness in teens. Now, I know cameras tend to bring out the ‘ham’ in most…

Florida National University’s Library Resources

A classic college scene for many involves students, being surrounded by piles of books, and studying in the campus library. A haven for researchers, the library is almost a holy space on campus – filled with information and knowledge. However, the modern library looks very different. Filled with technology, Internet access, and almost limitless information,…

A Guide to Spring Break: In Miami and Under 21

The yearly collegiate tradition of Spring Break is almost upon us. Co-eds are packing bathing suits and sun block, preparing to lie in the sun on a beach in Florida, Texas, or Mexico. Seeking a release from the pressures of school, students want to escape to a week long party fueled by fun, alcohol, and…

Florida National University Joins the Lambda Nu Zeta National Honor Society

The Florida Chapter of the Lambda Nu Zeta National Honor Society for the Radiologic and Imaging Sciences held an Information Session at Florida National University’s Hialeah Campus on Thursday February 7, 2013 at 5:00 pm. The session was held for all students who qualify to participate in this prestigious organization. The honor society is an…

10 Reasons Why You Should Form a Study Group

As of August 2019, the degree completion and graduation rates among American college students continue to hover around 40 percent, but the Annenberg Institute at Brown University has some good news in this regard: quite a few private and public institutions that have been around less than five decades are seeing higher completion rates. While…

Equipo de Filmación en FNU.

Si usted nota el día de hoy gran cantidad de actividad inusual en el tercer piso del Campus de Hialeah, puede que esté siendo testigo de la producción de una película en pleno desarrollo. El equipo que nos visita esta trabajando en conjunto con el Hospital de Hialeah para promover problemas de depresion en adolescentes.…