Audits: Tips for Future Accountants

Once a fresh, budding accounting student gains certification, this status serves as a sign that he/she has gained the skills, education, and verification needed in order to practice his/her trade. That means that he/she can go out into the job field in search of open positions related to bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing. One might wonder,…

Financial Aid Tips and Grant Guidance That Other Schools Won’t Tell You About

College students applying for financial aid are often overwhelmed at the financial aid process – finding it, applying for it, receiving it, and ultimately paying it back. If there were only one type of financial aid, applying might be easy. Yet each student’s reality is as different as his or her personal situation. There are…

4 Tips for International Students Attending College in South Florida

According to the Hindawi Publishing Corporation research article, International Student’s Challenge and Adjustment to College, there was a 5% increase of international students who came into the United States (US) for the purpose of enrolling in a higher learning institution in 2011. That estimates to approximately 723,277 people, and since then that number has continued…

Ways FNU Helps Thank Veterans for Their Service

Florida National University (FNU) honors veterans by offering them the opportunity to earn a college degree at a reduced rate. These reduced rates not only apply to military personnel, but also to their family members, and it doesn’t matter if the military workers are on active duty or on reserve. It’s also applicable to members…

Diagnostic Medical Sonography: a Program with a Plan

Often, students enter the university without an exact plan or goal in mind—and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, it takes a bit of time and self-discovery to determine the most promising or rewarding program for an individual. However, this is simply not the case for students choosing to enter Florida National University’s (FNU)…

What Does an Ultrasound Technician Do?

The word “ultrasound” often brings to mind the sonographic images of prenatal babies. While many ultrasound technicians do perform ultrasounds for pregnant women, there are many other important uses. For example, some ultrasound technicians specialize in vascular sonography, taking images of a person’s blood vessels to help diagnose diseases affecting the person’s blood flow. The…

Flexible MBA Program for Professionals in Miami

The city of Miami is a thriving metropolitan area with a growing rate of employment. According to the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment in the Miami area was reported at 2,483,400 in September 2015—up 2.3% from the previous year, and this doesn’t include farming jobs. The Bureau further reported…

Benefits of Earning an Online Degree While Working Full-Time

Acquiring an education is mandatory if you want to land a decent paying job. There may be some exceptions, but it’s rare—very rare, and it’s not recommended to gamble on it. Companies and corporations will overlook a resume that has no college education as fast as they picked it up. With so many colleges and…

Why Pi? The Mystery of the 3.14

The Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical symbol π. Pi Day is observed on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π. In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day. In Europe, people say “pee.” American celebrates the math…

Online vs. Traditional Education—Which is Best?

Montague versus Capulet, butter versus margarine, and Hawaii versus the Bahamas. There is a multitude of ongoing arguments that might never be settled. Is the struggle between online and traditional education one of them? We’ll let you be the judge. Florida National University (FNU) decided to take a closer look at the value of both…