Film Crew at FNU

If you notice a lot of unusual activity on the third floor of the Hialeah Campus today, you may have witnessed film making in action. The visiting film crew is working in conjunction with Hialeah Hospital to promote mental health awareness in teens. Now, I know cameras tend to bring out the ‘ham’ in most…

Equipo de Filmación en FNU.

Si usted nota el día de hoy gran cantidad de actividad inusual en el tercer piso del Campus de Hialeah, puede que esté siendo testigo de la producción de una película en pleno desarrollo. El equipo que nos visita esta trabajando en conjunto con el Hospital de Hialeah para promover problemas de depresion en adolescentes.…

Independence Rocks! Recap

Thanks to the help of our co-sponsors and hard working volunteers, Independence Rocks! was a big success. With representatives from both the Democratic and Republican parties (and donations from both Burger King and McDonalds) it was truly a non-partisan event. Not only did Florida National University give away $1500 worth of free food to our…

Independence Rocks! Recapitulando…

Gracias a la ayuda de nuestros co-patrocinantes y a la de dedicados trabajadores voluntarios, Independence Rocks! fue un gran éxito. Con la presencia de representantes de ambos partidos, Demócrata y Republicano ( y donaciones también de ambos competidores Burger King y Mc Donalds) este fue verdaderamente un evento sin tendencias partidistas. Adicional a ello Florida…

FNU Joins An Unprecedented Approach to Shattering the Silence of College Sexual Violence

New college freshman may not realize there’s more to worry about than getting good grades or choosing a major. Many should be worrying about sexual violence. PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment and SOC: Security on Campus, Inc. are joining together with other leading sexual assault groups for the launch of the “Safe Campus, Strong Voices”…

FNU Participates in the Go Red for Women Campus Event

Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? It is the number one killer of women. It claimed the lives of 33% of American women and over 8 million women are living with heart disease. February is American Heart Association Month. It is dedicated to raise awareness about…

National Radiology Technology Week (November 5 – 9, 2012)

On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, a German physicist, produced and detected electromagnetic radiations and named them X-Ray (X standing for unknown). By accident, he discovered the possibility of using electromagnetic radiation to create images. This important discovery made it possible to see the inner structure of the body without cutting into the flesh.…

Florida National University’s Library Resources

A classic college scene for many involves students, being surrounded by piles of books, and studying in the campus library. A haven for researchers, the library is almost a holy space on campus – filled with information and knowledge. However, the modern library looks very different. Filled with technology, Internet access, and almost limitless information,…

Finding the Best Online Accounting Program for You

With so much competition in almost every profession, the only way to get ahead today is through a well-planned college education. At Florida National University, we want to help you get the training you need in order to advance through life as you deserve. Learning at Your Own Pace We offer three physical campus locations…