High School Students

Admission Policies and Procedures Florida National University has an open door admissions policy and welcomes all qualified applicants without regard to ethnic background, sex, religion, national origin, age, or physical handicap. Admission Procedures Applications for admission are processed under a policy of continuous admissions. They are initiated at the Admissions Office. An admissions representative, the…


Next Term Starts October 27th 2014 Why Network ? As a former executive at Experience Hendrix (Family of Jimi Hendrix), I know what it takes to succeed in an ever changing business market. One thing for sure is, if you do not attend networking events to expand business opportunities, you are doing yourself a dis-service.…

FNU SGA President

Student Government Association Job Description Campus President The student who is elected to the SGA Campus President position must be an active FNU student attending classes either in the morning or in the evening sessions. Must have and maintain, a minimum GPA of 3.00 before during and after the time in office. Dropping below this…

FNU SGA Treasurer

Student Government Association Job Description Campus Treasurer The student who is elected to the SGA Campus Treasurer position must be an active FNU student attending classes either in the morning or the evening sessions. The student must have and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.50 before, during and after the time in office. Dropping below…

Leave of Absence

Students may request a leave of absence (LOA) from the institution in writing to the Registrar‘s Office. The LOA request form is located at the Registrar’s Office of every campus or can be downloaded from the FNU website on the Publications Page. Submit all LOA requests to registrars@fnu.edu. The Leave of Absence must be requested…


By-Laws The By Laws are an outline of the description and functioning of the Student Government Association of Florida National University. The Student Government Association is a non-profit organization. The SGA Officers represent FNU student body. After taking position, the officers take control of their position in accord with the rules, regulations, duties and/or responsibilities…

What Vital Signs Do Medical Assistants Take?

Vital signs are measurements of the body’s core physical functions. They give doctors important insights into a patient’s cardiovascular, respiratory, and general health. As a medical assistant, it’s your responsibility to measure vital signs at the beginning of each visit to help doctors make better clinical decisions. Taking accurate vital signs is among the most…

Tax Code Changes: What Students Need to Know

Along with a new year come taxes. In January, all students, employees, and philanthropists receive tax information in order to complete their taxes by April. One may notice that, from year to year, taxes are not the same. Without a change in pay, workers often expect that they will receive the same refund from the…

Tips for Making a Web Design Portfolio

The best way for creative professionals to demonstrate their expertise is to share what they’ve done. Rather than sending a prospective employer or client your work by attaching files to an email, enhance your résumé by developing an online portfolio.

An Overview of Medical Coding and Billing Specialist Program

In order for a healthcare provider to be financially compensated for his or her services, there needs to be a medical billing and coding specialist on hand to process the paperwork. Without financial compensation, there’d be no way healthcare facilities would be able to operate. The consequences could lead to not having any healthcare services…