On behalf of our Library Staff, wishing you a very happy September start! At the present time, Florida National Library provides traditional Library Resources such as printed books, scholar academic journals onside, sound and image collections and various Services that are delivered six days a week, including Saturdays. What about online? What does the Library offers for the Online students?
Besides traditional collections, the FNU Library offers digital electronic databases from Library & Information Resources Network (LIRN). The LIRN’s eResources and eServices are available 24/7 from any place and at any time. To access LIRN databases, library users have more than one way – firstly, access can be gained to the Library webpage at the campus portal; secondly, the LIRN databases may be accessed from Blackboard directly. This is a very exciting technological update for all FNU Blackboard users, and specifically for the Online division and our student-athletes that will have a better access to digital resources when they are on the road.
The databases of digital information are provided by various vendors such as OVID that offers us the eBooks for Nursing, Statista database for Business and Economics and everyone who looks for statistical data and analyses, ProQuest core collections that covers both general education and academic programs, and SIRS Knowledge Source for opposing viewpoints assignments. ProQuest offers us forty-seven databases, divided by subjects or geographical regions.
Very popular is the Nursing Edge eBooks titles on ECG interpretation, health assessment, nursing diagnosis and diagnosis tests, pediatric nursing, respiratory care, psychiatric-mental health, etc. Nursing Edge and the LWW Nursing and Health Professions Premier Collection includes the beloved journal titles such as Clinical Care Nursing Quarterly, Journal of Healthcare Management, Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, and more.
We will continue to provide access to Gale Virtual Reference Library, and our library users will be able to have access to the multivolume sets of digital encyclopedias and other reference books.
In addition, the FNU Library will provide access to Allied Health and Criminal Justice Films on Demand Collection from Infobase provider.
Also, we were able to add the Credo Online Reference Service (CORS) that provides Library Services for online library use. In the 21st century, we are taking life-long learning seriously, by giving the green light to technology. Thousands of libraries around the world trust Credo Online Reference Service when helping students to start their research, or demonstrating the research process during instruction: all digitally. Credo offers authoritative reference content through a one-stop search platform. The user-friendly interface is ideal for students not only for doing research, but also learning about the research process during information literacy instruction: all in digital format.
All the LIRN databases provide an experience for everyone, by ensuring the commitment to digital accessibility for people with disabilities and by applying the relevant accessibility standards.
Ida Tomshinsky, Library Director
https://corp.credoreference.com/images/PDFs/Publisher_Collections/AC.JPG –
Retrieved on September 4, 2019.