• Advising Center Locations & Advisors

    The Academic Advising Center is located in Room 140 at the Hialeah Campus and in Room 206 at the South Campus. Online students have access through Blackboard. We welcome and encourage you to come visit any of our offices with questions or concerns, or just to talk about your future and how we can help…

  • Room to Grow

    I’m a big believer in personal empowerment. I feel we humans have limitless potential, although we don’t always see it in ourselves, or each other. Believing is often the first hurdle. Empowerment usually requires two believers, yourself and someone who believes in you. That is where a good mentor comes in. I’ve had some wonderful…

  • Building on Passion

    What are you passionate about? Here’s a hint, when you’re engage in something you’re passionate about, you loose track of time. When I write, hours pass like minutes. The intensity of focus is almost a trance like state. I’m equally passionate about art (sketching, painting, pottery, graphic design), but writing has always come easier than…

  • Excuses

    Let’s be blunt. Excuses are fears masquerading as responsibilities. I confess, even I use them. Take writing for instance, as a freelance writer, I use a Nome de plume (a pen name). It removes the inhibition of writing. When I write using my real name, I am much more self-conscious, much more careful not to…

  • Opportunities

    Opportunities are interesting things. Generally, we think of opportunity as some anomalous event. Most liken opportunity to luck really, and perhaps there is a bit of luck involved. But opportunity is more than realizing you’re in the right spot at the right time, it’s about placing yourself at the right place, at the right time.…

  • My FNU: Exploring the New Student Portal

    Finally! The New Student Portal is ready! But was it worth the wait? It certainly was. FNU students have the convenience of on Campus Services right from their computers. Here’s a brief run down of some of the things you can do: • Post Used Textbooks for Sale • Change Your Address • Print your…

  • Wecome to the FNU Academic Advising Blog!

    Welcome to the Florida National University Academic Advising Center Blog! The primary purpose of the Academic Advising Center is advising new and current students in the development of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. No matter if you’re a new student, a transfer student, or a returning student, you’re already…

  • Florida National University has a new Library Director!

    As of last week, the FNU Library has a new face – Aleksandra Pitner, our new Library Director. Aleksandra will lead the team of librarians at both the Hialeah Library and the South Campus Resource Room. She is excited to be a part of Florida National University family! Aleksandra says “the library is more than…

  • National Blood Donor Month

    Fellow students, As you may have noticed, January is our Blood Donor Month. I believe there are several myths about blood donation that need to be cleared up in order to encourage more of us to donate blood and help save lives. I found this short FAQs http://www.givelife2.org/sponsor/quickfacts.asp article that will answer most of our…

  • New to the Blogosphere!

    It is a great pleasure to be part of this blogosphere and provide you all with some tips and information from my own academic experience that you may find useful and help you avoid common mistakes that students make while attending higher education institutions. Why “ aperpetualstudent”? Well, for several reasons including a firm belief…

  • Campus Voices

    I’m proud to announce a new ally in the FNU blogosphere: “aperpetualstudent”. In an effort to keep our blog content fresh, innovative, and relevant to our students, a fellow blogger (and FNU student) will be contributing to the FNU Student Services blog. Our new blogger looks forward to your questions and comments, so stay tuned…

  • Student Applause Winner Jesus Diaz

    The Student Applause Award was first introduced in June 2008(http://fncstudentservices.wordpress.com/2008/06/11/introducing-the-student-applause-award/). Although the majority of our students are still learning about this recognition opportunity, one South Campus teacher inspired reams of support from his students. Yes, I mean that literally . . . well almost. We received quite an impressive stack of nominations for Mr. Diaz,…

  • Winner of the Student Handbook Scavenger Hunt

    [The Office of Student services delayed the publication of this story, hoping the Hialeah winner would stop by to collect the prize. Since the individual has failed to return our calls, a new winner will be drawn.] Halloween Scavenger Hunt Throughout the month of October, the student services department ran a fun activity for the…

  • Defining Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving. If we approach the word from the perspective of Virginia Woolf, we could talk about the connotations and denotation of a word so steeped with tradition that it has expanded far beyond the borders of simple definition. What images come to your mind when you hear the word Thanksgiving: food, family, parades, anticipated sales…

  • Una Definicion para “Thanksgiving”

    “Thanksgiving” (Accion de dar Gracias/Accion de Gracias). Si nos aproximamos a la palabra desde la perspectiva de Virginia Woolf, podriamos hablar de las connotaciones y denotacion de una palabra tan impregnada de tradicion que se ha expandido muy por encima de las fronteras de la simple definicion. Que imagenes vienen a su mente cuando oye…