• Social Media Primer for the Chronically Unhip

    Let’s face it; there are two types of people in this world. Those who get social media, and those who don’t. There are many who will argue that this division is generational. I disagree. I turned 40 this year, and by traditional standards I fall outside the “digital millennial” generation. According to conventional wisdom (as…

  • Thanksgiving FNU Style

    When I first arrived at FNU, one of the things that amazed me was the habit of feeding everyone. I mean everyone! Ok, I am sure this was cute and cozy when FNU was a little institution located on the top floor of a strip mall, but now we have over 3,000 students enrolled in…

  • Community Alert: Don’t Be Caught of Gaurd!

    On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at 2:00pm (Eastern), we will experience the first test of the Nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) test. This test will be very similar to the monthly Emergency Alert System tests that we are already familiar with. This test will occur simultaneously across the nation.   What will I experience? The…

  • Fast Food: A Cardio-renal Bullet?

    by Dr. Carlos Cuervo, Florida National University Faculty Member For the last 30 years scientific journals have reported the consequences of lipids and salt in the etiology of cardio-vascular and renal diseases. Several studies have recommended diets and provided nutritional values of different foods as a means of creating awareness and protect our body. In…

  • Can I Really Control the Way I Feel?

    If you are like me, and I know many of you are, you have been told that nobody can “make” you feel anything. You have been told we are responsible for our own feelings. But what does that really mean? Perhaps, if I just concentrate hard enough I can get this self-control thing right. Perhaps,…

  • Choice Theory

    I have a friend, a teacher, who works with at risk youth. I have never seen him in action, at least not with his students, but I suspect he is very good at what he does. How do I know? He has been my friend for over 10 years, and knows me very well. When…

  • FNU’s 2011 Commencement Guest Speaker

    The FNU’s 2011 Commencement Guest Speaker, Hiram A. Paz, Esq, had his roots at Florida National University and was an inspiration to all those present. Hiram A. Paz was born and raised in Santa Clara, Cuba. He arrived to the United States on May 7, 2002, a few weeks before turning 18. In June 2002,…

  • FNU Joins An Unprecedented Approach to Shattering the Silence of College Sexual Violence

    New college freshman may not realize there’s more to worry about than getting good grades or choosing a major. Many should be worrying about sexual violence. PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment and SOC: Security on Campus, Inc. are joining together with other leading sexual assault groups for the launch of the “Safe Campus, Strong Voices”…

  • Seven Steps to Parking Lot Safety

    2. If you enter campus during daylight hours and leave after dark, remember to park somewhere that will be well lit at night and will have a lot of pedestrian traffic. 3. Walk with someone else at night. 4. Scan under your car as you approach and check the back seat before entering the…

  • Attention College Students! Avoid Identity Theft!

    College students are particularly susceptible to identity theft. They often have clean credit histories and are generally not as vigilant about identity security. Here are the top 5 things you should do to protect yourself. Be Social Media Savvy: Your status update is not the only thing that can reveal sensitive information. Does your profile…

  • Digital Comment Box: Logic Behind School Ids

    This fall, the FNU SGA instituted the new digital comment box across all campuses. With the digital comment box, students can anonymously text in their suggestions and concerns (See campus signage for instructions), and the FNU SGA, in conjunction with the Office of Student Services, will act on those comments. Our first comment questioned the…

  • Birth of Florida National University School of Nursing

    With the first day of September 2011, came great news for the FNU community. The following announcement was made at 8:35pm by FNU President Maria Christina Regueiro: “It is my pleasure to announce to our Florida National University Community the formalization of the Nursing programs under one umbrella, the Florida National University School of Nursing.…

  • Now Tweeting!

  • Welcome to Fall 2011

    Welcome back to a new term and a new academic year! Now that we are over halfway through our first week, everyone should be settling into their classes. Remember this week is the only add/drop period for the fall semester, so check your schedule for term A and B. If you need to make any…

  • Calling All FNU Alumni …

    If you are a Florida National University Alumni we would like you to contact us with your current contact information and any successes that you might have experienced after you graduated and throughout your career. Please email me the following contact information: Name/Address/Phone Number/E-mail /Current Employer/Job Title/ & Description of Success. Email to: jhernandez @fnu.edu…