• This Thanksgiving Day Tweet Us The Things You Are Thankful For

    Thanksgiving Day is a day set aside to give thanks for the things we are grateful for. It is a day we celebrate with family, friends and neighbors. We share our food and our homes with those who are near and dear to us. Also, we take time to reflect on how fortunate…

  • Tips for Writing College Admissions Essays

    Picking a college is a rite of passage for prospective students. There is excitement, anticipation, concern, and great expectations. Whether it is close to home, in a different state, with friends, or independently – students look at what colleges have to offer them, their interests, and their future goals. No matter the college chosen, all…

  • Sailor Earns His Degree While Serving His Country

    I’ve been in the U.S. Navy for 14 years stationed in San Diego, and I am a distance learning student with Florida National University (FNU). I have been taking courses online since early 2011; and I recently earned an Associates of Art degree in Criminal Justice (CJ). Currently, I’m working on my Bachelor of Science…

  • Dr. Ana Gloria Mora Conducts Lecture at Florida National University

    As an Academic Advisor and professional in the field of psychology, I know the importance of having proper ethics within the public health field.   It is the concern of every Florida National University professor that their students learn how to properly conduct themselves in the practice of their careers. It is why…

  • Florida National University Honors Veterans and Members of the Military by setting “America’s White Table.”

    Based on Margot Theis Raven’s book America’s White Table, Florida National University set a table with a white tablecloth, a black napkin, a plate with a slice of lemon with salt, a turned-over glass, a white candle, and an empty chair as a tribute to all veterans and members of the U.S. Military.  …

  • The Medical Field Needs Nurses

    Nursing has become a highly sought out and in-demand profession. Author of The 150 Best Recession-proof Jobs, Laurence Shakit calls nursing “gold”, noting that despite socioeconomic status, people will continue to get sick and corporations can’t outsource nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that between 2008 and 2025 the projected job growth for nurses…

  • National Radiology Technology Week (November 5 – 9, 2012)

    On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, a German physicist, produced and detected electromagnetic radiations and named them X-Ray (X standing for unknown). By accident, he discovered the possibility of using electromagnetic radiation to create images. This important discovery made it possible to see the inner structure of the body without cutting into the flesh.…

  • How to Be a Better Person

    Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, someone to look up to, someone to emulate. You can set the example, be the motivation that can really impact another human being. You can help change the world by changing yourself. Change must come from within, so become an example. Decide what it…

  • SAT Test Taking Tips

    As you prepare to take the SAT test, you probably have a million things running through your mind. If you are worried about how you are going to do, a few SAT test taking tips exist to help you get through it with ease. Browse through some of the following SAT test taking strategies in…

  • MBA Open House at Florida National University

    Ms. Mearli Orozco, FNU Valedictorian and Guest Blogger attended the FNU MBA Open House and wrote this blog. I recently graduated with my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice from Florida National University. One of my goals in life is to continue with my education and obtain a career where I can utilize my previous management…

  • Meet Ms. Olga Garcia-Quin: an FNU Success Story

    Guest Blogger: Ms. Olga Garcia_Quin                 My name is Olga Garcia-Quin, and I have lived in Medley, Florida since 1989. I completed high school at Miami Springs Senior High School in 1992. I graduated from Florida National University with an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal which has allowed…

  • For Veterans, Use Your GI Bill to Earn a College Degree

    Military recruits typically enlist and serve for one term. They intend to use the military as a starting point rather than pursue as a long-term career. After serving, military personnel return to civilian life and obtain a college education. The GI Bill was designed for military personnel to attend college without paying out of pocket…

  • How to Choose the Right College

    Choosing a college is one of the pivotal moments in the lives of a student and his or her family. Many families build their dreams and hopes on their child obtaining a solid college education. Students often feel that choosing the right college is extremely confusing. Since there is no set basis for making the…

  • How to Prepare for Your College Education

    High school students thinking about college are unsure where to begin. It can seem quite overwhelming, but with a plan in place, the process seems much simpler. Don’t let the thought of college applications overwhelm you all at once; instead, start planning during junior year of high school to make things easier and less…

  • Nursing Pinning Ceremony Honors FNU’s Nursing Graduates

    On Tuesday, September 25, 2012, Florida National University held a Nursing Pinning Ceremony at the Howard Johnson’s Hotel in Hialeah Gardens. Assistant Dean Silvia “Bibi” Borges acted as Mistress of Ceremonies. After welcoming the nurses, their families, and guests, Dean Borges introduced Reverend Jean-Ricot Gay who performed the “Blessing of the Hands”. Shortly after the…