Many of us noticed that time runs fast. In South Florida, seasons’ celebrations are connected to all conditions and stimulation of our unique environment throughout the year. How do we keep track of time? Do we measure it out in coffee shots? Or because the daylight changes of when we leave the work…
Now, the truth is that the four seasons are not the same all over the world. Much of mankind lives in the tropical zone, where the seasons are reduced to a rainy and a dry season. There are places where winter is the most barren and lifeless; for others, it is mild, and summer is the time of greatest hardships. The point is that the seasons how we experience them are very different for everyone, and the secret is to master the variations that the year presents where we live, work, and play.
Thinking about life, and the first what comes to mind is our relationship with the passage of time. The last day of the year is great because here comes the first day of the New Year; and time is the king! There are seasons of the Earth which Vivaldi expressed the best with his tunes of music; and there are seasons of the mind that we observe and celebrate with family and friends making our lives fuller and more meaningful. After all, time is not something is given to us; time is soothing everyone makes. People have more to do than can possibly get done in a day. The world is no longer set up to furnish every occasion; we make time to do our million-of-things for ourselves. The life would lose all the satisfaction without the time we learn to set aside – the days and hours, and even the odd moments, that everyone reserves to enjoy!
It is almost ‘five minutes to twelve’, and it is time to toast the 2019 New Year! For health and happiness, and peace on Earth from the hot Floridians’ hearts!
Ida Tomshinsky, Library Director